
I have never known that the person who has known you ever since you were born the very person who gave you life who carried you for 9 months, would throw that all away because she's drunk and angry at the world and everyone else....but who....herself it's sad when you see friends self-destruct but when family comes into the mix of that self-destruction what can you do but sit back and watch that self-destruction happen.Probably the only thing you can do is count down the years,months,weeks,days,hours,minutes,and second. Do you speak up when you see them headed down that same road you were on.What do you do just sit there and shake your head in dis pare?
What do you do,thats what I've been saying my whole life and you know what the sucky part about that is that i say it to the wrong people when i should be saying it to my own people. Humph who would have known that the person standing in front of me is self-destructing slowly but surely self-destructing.Can you actually say anything at all,can you just say "Hey your self-destructing, stop calm down figure out whats going on in your life." no we can't you know why because then this "Life" wouldn't be called "Life" no would it.Take a minute and let that soak in your brain.
If life wasn't so hard then prisoners wouldn't be sent to life in prison if life wasn't hard.How does that reflect to us i'm getting to that so hold on,It reflects to us because life is hard no matter how hard you try and sugar coat the truth life's hard because in life you have to pay bills,work to pay those bills, get clothes for the kids (if you have some) get clothes for yourself, eat, buy groceries (you have to buy twice as many groceries if you have kids) then collage for kids then etc... the list can go on until you die.
But what makes life life is the sweet stuff of love, lust, greed and money.....
-Keep on living and you'll know what I'm talking about....
April 30th, 2011 at 05:23am