I've got to ask you guys.

Firstly, what's the deal with slash?

I'm aware of what it is.

But why do you guys feel the constant need to write and write and write about two lads kissing or getting down? I can understand you guys have your own little fantasies, and that might answer my question - actually. But I would like to know, what's your opinion on slash/femmeslash/whatever? Is it the mental image of seeing your favourite celebrities snogging? Or is it just fun to write. Perhaps it's not your thing.

I've personally got nothing against it, it's just not something I want to read.

Secondly, vampire stories. I've got no problems at all with reading a nicely written bloodsucker story. But, what's the fascination? Along with werewolf stories also. I know there's the Twilight fad still circulating about, but really you guys, I think it's time that returns to the hall of what was great. Not in my eyes, maybe not yours, but in quite a few people's. So, like the above, what's your opinions on vampires/werewolves?

Thirdly, how come I have to report so many stories? I adore commenting on stories. Mostly original. Hint hint, leave links, hint hint. But a lot of the time, I'll have to report the story for something that could have been avoided had it had a little more effort put in. I think you lot really need to look at your work and ask yourself if it looks good enough to be loved. I adore your writing. Yes, you. But I think you could do more with it and make it look so much better. So tell me, do you put in as much effort as you think you should? I know I try to.

Finally, have you noticed how there are more and more stories looking more like one another? I know people like to base stories from inspiration they've drawn from something else. But being inspired and being a copy cat are two completely different things! Opinions?

Thanks for taking the time to read!
April 30th, 2011 at 10:19pm