Don't Give Up...

Note: If you haven't read "What Hurts the Most" yet I would suggest reading that journal before you crack open this one, so to speak. It will help give you a back story to this one and will shed some light as to why I am an idiot or, depending on your view of me, a determined man.

Recently, I have had many joys and sorrows over my week-long break for the spring but what I really want to say is that in one week, I learned more than my entire four years in high school and I owe it all to a great man, Rudy. Yes. The Rudy. What? You don't know Rudy? He has a movie about his life? No? Well go look him up. I'll wait until you come back............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................
Find him? Good. This man has inspired me to work hard when I was in high school and still playing football but after watching his movie at the beginning of my holiday I took something else from his life. Never give up on what you truly want in your life. Give it everything you want and it will happen. I thought about that for a day and was having a hard time trusting it. It sounded too good to be true. Well then I thought, "What the hell? I have someone that I want to notice me and I'm going to give it everything I have to make it work out." I then proceeded to plan on a magnificent surprise combining romance, her favorite story, and...chocolate, yes chocolate. Chocolate is delicious, ok? Get off my back.

With the consent of her mother and the help of her brother I proceeded to make a trail in her house with the chocolate and rose petals with quotes and allusions to her favorite story, Alice in Wonderland btw. At the end, the last note just read, "Turn Around". She turned and when she saw me standing there I looked at her and I saw her eyes light up, I was the happiest person alive just because I made her happy. I'm still not sure how she feels about me romantically, but I do know that because I never gave up on her, I gave her a surprise that no guy, I'm guessing, has ever given her before.

If you want to take anything from this, just be sure to learn to never give up on yourself, your loved ones, your dreams or your faith. If you try and try and give it everything you have you will be able to do anything. I promise.
May 1st, 2011 at 04:21am