My question for you lovely people who are still awake :D

Why can a guy go and sleep around be hot stuff, but if a girl does it she's a slut?


If I wanted to go sleep around I'm just like, BAM! auto tramp.
But if my borthers were to do that they'd be freaking neighborhood heroes.
Maybe not heroes, but... you know what I mean.

I renewed my liscense today.
Isn't skin weird?
O-M-G and fingers. Fingers are so awkward.
I decided that I find Monroe piercings to be sorta trashy on specific people. It seriously looks like a freaking giant mole on her face ): Is that mean? Yes :/ I'm sorrrrrrry

Anways, talk to me!
Love, Mally
May 1st, 2011 at 07:29am