Long Time, Sorry. News!

I haven't given updates in a long time! Sorry guys.

I am nineteen weeks as of yesterday. I have a bunch of pictures up now, so you can see how my belly has grown.<3 It won't be very long until I can feel the baby move. My appointment to find out the sex of my baby is next week. I'm so excited! I'm not hoping for either sex more than the other. My baby, boy or girl, is a true blessing.<3

Morning sickness went away completely by my twelfth week. Thank goodness! But it is kind of hard to sleep at times. Oh well. It's worth it.

So...Jason...is back. He came back begging. He said he was just scared but he really wants to be a father for this baby. He wants to be here. So I said I'd think about it, and he's seemed really devoted to us (the baby and I). We've gone to look at cribs and things to get an idea of what we can afford. He really seems to want it. Proceeding with caution.

My aunt couldn't get me the job, probably because I'm pregnant, but oh well. I love my mom and my aunt, they're being so supportive. They each set aside a portion of their paychecks to help get me started. I don't know what I'd do without them.

I had a good name for a boy but I forgot it. Haha but if I have a girl her name will definitely be Kaya, just as I said before(:

Until next time(:
May 1st, 2011 at 11:46pm