
Good Morning!

Well I'm back again. Sorry I haven't been written in a while. So much has happened within the past few days. Now, where to start..... Ok well I suppose I should start with the fact that my dad's musical (which he started writing about 8 years ago... music, script, lyrics and story!) finally got its first show on Saturday. It was truly brilliant! The cast was perfect, there was a fab stage. It looked so professional. For the past week all the actors had spent their time working on the musical. Everyday, from Monday right on to Saturday evening, they worked non stop. And it was a credit to them all. When they finished their performance that all got a standing ovation. It was really a sight that pulled on your heart strings!

The reason I missed a few entries was because I was with them as they worked (unfortunately I was only watching not acting, sigh!). They were working in a school that was closed for the Easter Holidays (By the way I hope you all had a brilliant Easter!). So there wasn't any internet access there, which meant unfortunately I couldn't write anything down at the time. So now I'm trying to re-cap.

But anyway, moving on, it is now three minutes after twelve p.m. I had a looong sleep in and now feel very refreshed, except I had a strange dream last night. To be honest I can't remember what it was about but I can remember the feelings I had in it. I remember the feeling of being loved as well as being in love. There was passion and fear.... I may not remember what it was about but I think I can say that it probably would've been an excellent book.

Speaking of books, I am currently writing one now as we speak. It's called:
I have chapter one written up and am working on chapter two now. By the way, I may have less time to go on-line in the future for today is my last day of holidays and I'll be studying alot from now until... well, after June! You see I'm graduating from Secondary school this month and have my final exams in June *gulp! I'll try to write here as much as I can but at the moment I can't make any promises.

At the moment I'm now in my pj's writing in a quiet house and have just eaten one of my many Easter eggs for breakfast (Don't act like you never tried it either!). Everyone is still in bed (savoring the fact that this will be the last sleep in they'll have until next week) so I have all the kitchen/living room to myself. But not for long as my mom will wake up soon and send me to my room where my school books await to be opened.

I'm gonna go now as I can't think of anything else to write about. If anything does happen I'll write it up here as soon as I can.

Until then,

May 2nd, 2011 at 01:22pm