
I hate being used by someone, and someone you thought cared about you. There's nothing worse than It.

I thought he really liked me, but I'm just another girl in his book. Are men so senseless to realize that you can't fuck with girls like this? We have feelings too.

I know he's in a band, and I know he gets loads of female attention. But really? I'm still here, he said all these things to me. Telling me how lovely and Beautiful I was, telling me that he loved me. I was foolish to believe him.

It makes you wonder are there any good men out there? Are there any ones that don't use you are treat you like crap. By the looks of it, I guess not.

Every night I have gone sleep with a smile on my face, but how can I now? He said he would talk to me in the morning, but he never did. Now it's 8:00pm and I'm still waiting, this isn't the first time it has happened though.

Where is that whore? The one your most likely going to sleep with while I write this? Or is it that you just forgot about me? You do something that people notice and that's it, you leave me behind.

I feel dirty now, like I've done something wrong. But I know I haven't, I can't stop thinking that though.

I wanna call you or something, but if he answers, I know it will be drunk or in between sex. I never thought it would end up like this though. I guess I'm just gonna have to find someone who's not as useless as you.

I thought you were better than that, but It seems I was wrong. There's a name for people like you, Jerk.
May 2nd, 2011 at 09:05pm