So beautiful but it hurts so bad

So, after reading an amazing story (color me mine) I had cried alot. So I went to bed at four am on a saturday, and don't get me wrong guys I loved the story. So then sunday I went and read the sequel well what's up of it anyway. But during this time on sunday I listened to NeverShout!Never. Well at the end of Hummingbird this lovely song came on in the credits. Lullaby by Chase Coy. Some of you might have heard it. If not I reccomend it. But anyway. I listened to this song all day after that, reading Twisted. The sequel to Color me Mine. I read the story and loved it, and after I finished all thirty three chapters I continued to listen to the song. By the end of the night I was thinking about someone that I swore to myself I wouldn't shed another tear over, and bawling like a baby. It is THE sweetest breakup song ever. So yeah I really loved it but it hurt so much to listen to.
May 2nd, 2011 at 11:19pm