
When I was a child, in fact I believe it was first or second grade -- I get the two mixed up, because I had the same teacher and mostly the same classmates both years -- I discovered my penchant for seeking revenge.

You see, one day during the chaos that was the clean-up after an indoor recess, I got underneath a table and used a magenta crayon (my favorite color at the time) to write another girl's name underneath the table on the white tile flooring of the classroom. I even asked the girl how to spell her name! She had an odd name with an odd spelling, so I guess she got asked that question a lot because she didn't question the strangeness of me kneeling underneath a table, sticking my head out and asking her how to spell it. She just told me.

I finished it and hurried off to help someone clean up a board game, before the teacher could figure out what I'd been up to. Soon after that, in the middle of all the chaos still going on, I hear the teacher scream the girl's name and ask her why she wrote her name in crayon under the table. The girl, honestly not having done it, insisted upon her innocence, but was unable to convince the teacher.

I managed not to even so much as smirk. I was a very devious little thing, I suppose.

What was her transgression against me, you wish to know? Why...she stole my hot-pink Barbie pencil! ><;

And, yes, I still remember the girl's name. And, no, I will not reveal it.
May 3rd, 2011 at 12:17am