God is doing a new thing.

A friend of mine posted a link to this on Facebook.

First reaction? You cannot be for real. (Yes. He was for real.) It's like ... who's smart idea was that? His parent's? His? Why on earth would you do that to yourself or your child? Don't you realize that you'll be forever immortalized on video as a complete idiot? (Much like Rebecca Black and all the other Ark Music Factory kids.) But this? Religion + bad children "popstars" = bad idea all around.

Poor mite sounds a bit off-key (is that even possible when you're rapping?). Also, I believe it came from the 80s. If that explains anything. I wonder where this kid is now.

Just to be clear, I am not hating on God or on child rappers (well, maybe), but together? No. Just ... no
May 3rd, 2011 at 04:20am