Proud to be an American....

History was made again Sunday night, May 1, 2011, when a team of NAVY SEALS captured and killed Osama Bin Laden. It's about time.It's been almost ten years, and this was long overdue. Great job, guys!!!!! I'm proud to be an American!!!!!
I remember 9/11. I was working inside a chemical plant, Albemarle, outside of Magnolia, a city not far from where I live. I can remember the warning bells going off and the buildings automatically going into lockdown when unidentified planes were spotted overhead. Turned out to be no cause for alarm, but the plant was shut down for the day and evacuated.
I'm sorry for everyone who lost a loved one on that day, but I'm glad no one I care about lost their lives on that day.
Barack Obama has made his mark as a president with this. I admit, I myself did not vote for him, and I have been iffy with him as a president. Until now.
What do you think? What are your thoughts on 9/11? Did you lose a loved one then? How do you feel about Obama?
May 3rd, 2011 at 07:12am