I've never been in love.

That's the truth. No boyfriends. Crushes? Well, celebrity crushes. :) Do you think I'm abnormal or something? The truth is, I'm picky. I don't trust boys nowadays. They tell all those stuff to make you feel special but then again they've said it to other girls. I'm afraid to get hurt. That's why.

Everyone wants their fairy tales. I actually believe its gonna happen. :D But as of the moment God is still writing the best love story for me. Just like Kate and William. (Lucky bitch.) She finally found her Prince Charming. She's just a simple commoner. Who would have thought she's gonna marry a prince? During her wedding it was just so serene. So beautiful. Her gown was simple too. It was also said that Kate Middleton did her own make-up for the wedding because she wanted William to see her how he always will, not how someone made her up to look like.


I know there's somebody out there for me. I'm still hoping. Believing actually. Maybe I've met him, talk to him even. But for now, I think I'll settle having a relationship with food.

May 3rd, 2011 at 04:00pm