Hungry And Tired

So, I'm sick. This morning I woke up with a really sore throat. I drank some water, got ready for school, and made myself some lunch. I took allergy medicine, some pain meds for a headache, and a vitamin. I ate some fruit. I laid back down. I threw up. My mom made me stay home and now all I'm allowed to eat is saltine crackers and/or toast.

I am HUNGRY and I want to SLEEP, but I can't really. Well, I guess I could try again (I already tried).

ANDDDD, today is a really bad day for me to be sick. I have a dane show at my school coming up, rehearsals every day after school (and I had one today during lunch) for the next two weeks. So frustrating.

I am currently laying in my bed, listening to music and waiting until it's late enough for me to go back to sleep (so that I could wake up tomorrow).

And I think my nose is bleeding. Awesome.

I didn't sleep much last night. I kept waking up because my throat hurt. And then I ran out of water. And then I had to go to the bathroom. Etc.

Maybe I'll just go back to sleep now. I wonder if my body'll let me.

Okay, I'm done ranting for now. Have a wonderful day!<3333

After thoughts: Oh yeah! and then I woke up with one of those half dreaming ideas for stories, but I was too lazy and comfortable to get up and write it down, so I don't really remember it.
May 3rd, 2011 at 10:18pm