And maybe this makes me a horrible person, but...I'm not unhappy that Osama is dead. 

That doesn't mean I'm happy he's gone, or that I necessarily condone everything the US went through to kill him. 
But it does mean that I cannot make myself mourn for someone who did the things he did.
He orchestrated one of the greatest horrors of this century. He was the mastermind behind a terrorist organization that killed god knows how many. 
I cannot sympathize for someone that evil. 
I understand what the US did to his country; I understand that part of it were most definitely wrong.
However, that does not make 9/11 OK. H*ll, nothing makes 9/11 OK. 
Of course, in turn, Osama's actions don't make the fact that the US killed him, OK. 

However, I still can't mourn. And honestly, the second his group got the first drop of blood on their hands, I stopped wanting to hear his side of the story. 

I don't know if that makes me a bad person or not, but I do know it's a position I won't apologize for. 
I don't empathize with him. I hold no desire to. 
I am not glad he is dead, but I am glad he can't hurt anyone else; I am glad that his victim's families can reach some closure. 
I am OK with the fact that he is gone. 
And, I believe his death was a victory.

In basic war terms, it definitely was; we took out the head of an opposing force. 
In terms of right and wrong, I still have to call it a victory.
For the American people, I see nothing wrong in being proud. This war has been going on for ten long, depressing, years. We finally had a discernible victory. 
Of course that's going to provoke pride.
This is how war works; there is no right and wrong, there is them and us and winning and losing.
And right now, because of Osama's death, we (the US), are winning.

Not like Charlie Sheen, but like actual winning.

Your thoughts? :)
May 4th, 2011 at 04:06am