Romeo and Juliet Analysis

Alright, so everyone knows the story of Romeo and Juliet(well let's hope. If you don't then you need to get out more.) The main point is that they love each other so much and their families are in a feud so they can't be together, so they both die. Very romantic...right? NOT. I don't feel sorry for Romeo and Juliet at all. If you asked me, they both deserved what had happened to them.

Note to the readers: I really am a fan of Romeo and Juliet. I think it is a great story and I was really inspired by it. I thank my freshman english teacher, Mrs. Lombardi, for making my class read the book. It really is a wonderful story and think the writing is amazing.

Lets start with Romeo. He was so in love with Rosaline and he was so depressed that she didn't love him back. But, for all he knew, she could have. Maybe she was just to afraid to tell him. Maybe she was worried that he didn't love her back. So by Romeo just forgetting about her and moving on to Juliet in a moments time, he could have broken his "true love's" heart and he never would have known it. Then by him dying, for Juliet I might add, Who knows, Rosaline could have killed herself for Romeo. Shakespeare never mentions her in the book again after Romeo and Juliet hooked up. So who really knows. And also, Rosaline is distantly related to Juliet Capulet. So if the Montegues and Capulets are in this big feud, then why should Romeo allowed to be in love with Rosaline if her family is technically in the feud itself. Rosaline and Juliet are cousins or something like that and the book clearly says so when Lord Capulet made a list of people to invite to the party and it says, my kinsman Rosaline. In Shakespeare's time and language, a kinsman was roughly translated to a relative.

Juliet on the other hand, never liked Paris. And personally, I think he was secretly gay. I mean, he was a twenty or so year old guy hitting on a 13 year old girl. Maybe he really did love her. He was about to marry her, so instead, she would rather jump off of a building then marry him. So I don't think he was as perfect as the writing described him as. If the case is that he really did love her then he must have been devastated to wake up the day of the wedding and find his beautiful bride to be dead in her bedroom. Imagine what that could do to a guy. And plus, why do all the guys want to marry Juliet so badly. I didn't find her that pretty in either of the movies or even in my imagination when reading about her. PLus, she was too emotional. Always complaining about shit and crying when she didn't get her way. I don't think she was that smart either. If anyone was going to kill her, the friar would be the last person on earth, no matter how guilty he felt. Thats what the confession stands were for. And plus, I don't think he committed a sin. Juliet on the other hand must have broken every rule in the bible. I mean, technically, she was engaged to Paris and she was still making out with Romeo when he would sneak into her room. And when Juliet was supposedly dead, Paris was just being a polite gentleman and was just bringing her flowers to her tomb after she died and Romeo had to barge in and kill poor Paris in the tomb right next to his wife. If you are going to kill someone at least make sure your wife isn't laying right next to the scene, whether she is dead or not it is still disrespectful.

If I don't stop now then I will be going on and on for hours. So I am just going to leave it at that.

May 4th, 2011 at 08:04am