"Where'd you go, psycho boy?"

Yes, that is a tag line from Fight Club, asked by Tyler Durden right after the Narrator beat up Angelface, a.k.a. Jared Leto. He answers with, "I felt like destroying something beautiful," another Fight Club classic, which actually makes no sense in context with the original question but it's a pretty phrase anyway.

Now, that also happens to be a tag line in my new story, Jack's Raging Hormones. Like the title suggests, it's Fight Club-inspired, but it's original fiction centered around an all-boys boarding school with a fight club of its own. It's slash, but I think there's going to be very little romance. There may also be some cross-dressing in it in the near future, and yes, I'm trying to tease you into reading it.

In case my baiting tactics prove unfruitful, comment swap? :3

I'll read almost anything, original or fanfic, though I have very minimal knowledge about the bands Mibbians write about nowadays. Any pairing, any orientation, any rating and any genre, but I prefer one-shots. If you link me something chaptered, I'll only comment on the first installment since that's the current status of my story. Also, you need to comment first, so I can match the length and depth of what you give me to what I will, in turn, give to you.
May 4th, 2011 at 11:39pm