My faith....

I know many out there... are atheist, and many have been giving up on god or any divine being because there is no proof.... Your right there isn't much proof... but in history there was a prophet named Jesus and this man... claimed to be God.
Many of you say if god loves us then why is there a hell?.... why? It was because of us that hell was made.... From the beginning Adam and eve were tempted by Lucifer, who once was an angel but had became the devil because he wanted to take over heaven... he thought he was better than everyone including god... he was selfish. Like all of us... Adam and Eve wanted to know everything, so they ate from the tree of good and evil... and in any normal human mind, they were thinking that they were going to become powerful, and hoping to be like gods themselves.... But no... they did something that was against the rules and therefore by doing so... the devil was able to open the gates of hell, and also by doing that, he was able to get to humans.... His own creation.... he could no longer look upon us, because he could not look upon sin....
and so as the story goes he sent his son Jesus to earth... and people ask why did God let his son be born in a freaking stable.... because he was humble... and then people ask "If god existed... why did he let his only son die on a cross!!" and that was so the holy spirit could come in. So that Jesus would be our bridge to heaven and the holy spirit was meant to lead us to him so we could except him.... he is a trinity, three in one and he does care
Because only then will God be able to talk to us, through Jesus and we will be able to feel him through the holy spirit.
If you are an atheist... or your gay, you drink or whatever... I want you to know that I won't condemn you nor will my God. Because u have the right to do as you please and believe as you please.... I'm just here to bring peace, because that is what he wants me to do...
even if it doesn't seem like it god cares.... Your his little babies and he is your dad.... He just wants your attention and he wants to test your faith... Yes you will go through sorrows it never says that life is good for us that believe nor does it state your life is better if you don't.... Yes people will die, be murdered and killed.... but you know, dying doesn't seem that bad, when there is a heaven waiting for you.... death is easy, when you know there is a good life after it...
I want you all to know.... that not all Christians are ignorant, brain-washed and judgmental... I have no right to judge you, I sin myself even though I am saved.... I don't care who you are or what you have done... Because I love you, You all mean so much to me and I care.... because I know someone cares for me... and I was told you share this love, with everyone. and if u ever need someone who won't judge you, criticizes you and will listen... then you can talk to me or you can talk to my God.
May 5th, 2011 at 01:01am