May 5, 2011...

I have my AP Literature and Composition exam tomorrow. Oh my word I am not ready. Actually, I am, but I feel like I'm not. Do you know what I mean? I should probably take another practice multiple choice test though. I need the practice.

It's a three hour test. We take the multiple choice section, get a fifteen minute break, and then write three essays. Doesn't that sound fun?! No. I get to skip my government class though, which is nice, and my creative writing class (not so happy about that). I'm totally doing no homework tonight. Just study study study. I already have all my novel outlining practically finished. It's a study guide so I know the themes and characters and whatnot of the books we've read this year. We've read 15. Isn't that ridiculous? In almost three whole trimesters, we've read 15 books. The british literature classes complain about how much they have to read. Ha. They read Frankenstein in a month or more. We read it in a week. So they don't deserve to complain. And they've only read about four or five books. At least I get to feel smarter.

Anyways, its super duper cold out. It's May, and we've been averaging around 50 and 60 degrees. Are you serious? This is absurd.

I'm going to be so drained tomorrow. I have the AP test, as I've already said, and then at 7 I have our choir cabaret concert. My sister and I are doing "What Is This Feeling?" from Wicked. It's a lot of fun. But by the time I get home from that very long concert, I'm going to be so deprived of energy.

Anyways, off to study for a little more. It's 8:45. I'll go to bed at 9:30. I'll need the energy tomorrow.
May 5th, 2011 at 02:48am