Naive little girl.

I was always shy. I don't even know why. It's like before I do something, I think about what others might think. If I perform, would someone clap for me? Would the boo me? God, I hope not. Would I bore them? That's why I don't really sing in front of a crowd. I'm afraid to fail, just like my teacher once said to me. I'm beginning to think it's true.

This is a true story. Anyway, when I was in 2nd grade my teacher asked a question. I knew the answer so yeah I could raise my hand. And I got lucky. And then BANG, Mental Block. I said the most stupid answer. Ugh. That started it all. Then on 3rd grade, My sister, Sadie and I were dancing and then the music screwed up. I was so damn embarrassed. I swear to God I never performed again.

When I was about 6 I rarely wear shorts. I SWEAR. I didn’t even know shorts was necessary. I was on my panties. Omg.

One time, my yaya went to buy something from a store. It was far from home and I went with her. After walking in my panties, I realize how girls my age were wearing shorts. Omygad. I swear to God I was so ignorant.
So I ran home.

You see, I was just so innocent. HAHAH. :)
May 5th, 2011 at 12:12pm