
I am sitting on my humongous bed in my decent-sized, mess of a room.
Sitting indian style, in a purple Titans hoodie and underwear.
There's a drawin of a girl smiling with green hair on my had I drew in Reading today, which reminds me that I still have homework in the damn class.
Thinking about how we just kissed, and that feeling it gives me.
I'm basically pinned to your bed as we kiss and I have the habit of having to move as it happens, so I move my feet around..and around..and around.
You make me so happy.
Before we kissed we were fighting, and I didn't like it. It didn't help the situation when my dad decided to call and say he's picking me up. When I got in the car, he asked if it was the right time. I was going to tell him over the phone that I still had an hour. Too bad I'm still afraid of him.
I've been getting home from school, going to his house, and then coming back soooo tired. It's really annoying because I'm usually capable of staying up uber late..But lately it's been when I'm talking to him,I just pass out. I don't wake up once for the seven hours I sleep, and I wake up in the morning like shiiiiiiiiiiiit, then text him. I was mad I had to leave so early. Urghblah.

Yesterday I dyed the bottom layer of my hair blue. It looks pretty cool, but I was worried cuz this year our new principal was strict on unnatural hair color. Thing is, he passed me today, said hey, and didn't even bring it up. Since in every grade we have a bitchy teacher, I thought one of them woulda turned me in or lectured me about it. Nope. Sweeet.

Hmph. recently I've been thinking about getting my septum done. And when I'm legal to get a tattoo..I'm definitely gonna get a tattoo of a bird on my wrist. Why? I think it symbolizes freedom. And uhh, who wouldn't like to fly. We're learning about birds in science and I've gained interest in them some. They basically don't ever stop. I AINT EVER GONNA STOP YO. I'm following my dreams, full speed, and I get to FLY through life. Ha, get it? I don't know if people would think that's enough reasoning to get a tattoo but..I've seen dumber. And I believe it would look pretty beast. Then I was thinking about getting a antique birdcage somewhere else. i also like little flowers, and I am capable of designing all of my tattoos, and I'd like to. I would love to get a tattoo of a peace sign, and one in remembrance of my nana. I wanna get a nerdy one, like of sonic the hedgehog or squirtle or something also. I would like to get smallish gages. Merp. I'm a little tired now.

Mibba should make notifications more legit, and keep journals out for other people to read. I basically love them now.
May 6th, 2011 at 05:42am