Loca Mocha Coconut Shenanigans

I don’t want to even contemplate the amount of time I’ve wasted Not writing. It makes me wince. My stories are in need of severe updating and to be hurtfully honest I haven’t felt like doing so. But after an intervention from my parents (seriously) I feel like I’ve wakened up from my extended nap, and now my writer side is stretching her fingers over the keyboard again with a wolfish smile.
Let the carnage begin.
Since I’ve been away, I’ve been through some stuff, which is to be expected. I plan on updating it all onto my half-assed auto-biography titled Savannah. Check it out if you like shenanigans.
I have also been repeatedly cattle prodded by my close writing family to continue with Terminator, and after re-reading the comments on Alice and Love Story I can feel my imagination organs pumping and the writing juices flowing.
As a side project, my friend Weston (check him out. he has an interesting style), offered to let me in on his comic project. It’s going to be phenomenal! And being a marvel and dc comic freak I about fell out of my spinny office chair when he messaged me. So look forward to that my friends, it will be fantastic.
And as I write this entry, I am sipping on a grande light mocha coconut frap. It makes me squeal with a kiddish joyfulness. I suggest you try it. it’s decadent.

Good writings my fellow slaves of inspiration, it’s good to be back.
May 7th, 2011 at 03:07am