He's taking me to his senior prom!

So it’s after school, and I have to go get changed for this video that we’re going to make for our school’s pep rally. So I go and tell my boyfriend that I’m going to go change. But when we hug, he holds on to me, and he says, “Wait, don’t go yet, I need to ask you something. Do you want to come to prom with me?”

I go, “Wait, what? I thought you weren’t going to go to prom.”
He says, “Well, there was a change of plans, so I’m going.”
I go, “Oh, um, okay, yeah! I’ll go to prom with you!”

I’m all happy, I can’t express my feelings to him openly, because our school’s administrators absolutely HATE seeing even the brush of fingers in the hallway. And we were in the foyer/ cafeteria, right near the main office. (our school is small, population: 500 kids)

So then I tell him, “Wait, I’m going to need to find some money.”
And he says, “Don’t worry, I’ll pay for it.” And he whips out the $110 bucks required for my prom ticket.
I go, “Where did you get all of that money in a short amount of time?”
He goes, “Don’t worry about it, it’s nothing bad.”
I keep pestering him about it, but he refuses to tell me. I'm just asking out of curiosity

In our school, prom is only for the seniors, and only if you’re invited by a senior can you go. I’m still wondering where he got all of that money from. So he pays for me, and I'm just standing there like, wow.

So I guess I have to go find a dress now. Damn. So I asked one of my friends who’s a senior if she wants to go with me to find our dresses, and she said yes. (it’s a pretty small school, I’m friends with most of the seniors because my boyfriend is a senior. Also, because I helped plan the pep rally last year when they were juniors and we were sophomores, and we were part of the same program)

A dress that I really want V.V


I’m pretty short, about 5’2, so if anyone can PLEASE recommend what kind of dress I can take? I would really appreciate any suggestions

1. What do you plan to/ did you wear to prom?
that dress up there, hopefully i can find it>.<

2. What is the best parody that you have ever seen?
The Hillywood Show parodies, they are fricken awesome!

3. What slow song would you dance to in prom?
"Magic Works" by the Weird Sisters (the one that was played in Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire during the Yule Ball)
May 7th, 2011 at 05:29am