
Hi there, Mibba.

So I have four exams coming up soon. I have Maths and Science on Monday, and then English Reading and Writing on Wednesday. I'm not really freaking out, because I know that I actually do better in tests than I do in the actual class. Okay, well I might be freaking out a little- especially since we only have an hour to do each one. The English ones always require like a 12 mark question that is a whole page of writing... with two of them in an hour test along with a bazillion other questions.... D:

So, any advice for psyching myself up for tests? :D


I was supposed to go to town today, but Mother Nature f*cked that up for me. Yeah, thanks. :L


I've decided to do a video of the week. :)

Today, it is;

These people are amazing.

Anyway, have a good day!

Oh, I forgot! Questions. :D

1. Who's your favourite Youtuber?
2. How's your day going?
3. Any exams coming up?
May 7th, 2011 at 04:10pm