A surprise just for you, yes you.

Hey, hi, hello.
I've recently been watching way too many livelavalive videos, and thats okay because Mitchell Davis and Kyle are fantastic. I'm thinking about starting to vlog? Hmm, tell me what you think in a comment below. Anywhooo, since I have been absolutely awful with keeping my stories updated I decided to upload my poetry to mibba. A little present for you lovelies who have stuck in there waiting to see where my characters go on their adventures. I won't ever be able to thank you enough for taking the time to read my stories and poetry, honestly. It makes my day to hear back from you guys. I know what your thinking, poetry doesn't make up for me not updating and I am really sorry, but I have a.) writers block and b.) exams out the ass. I hate to make excuses, but they're true I swear. I'll keep this thing short and sweet. Love you guys & thanks so much.
May 7th, 2011 at 11:32pm