This smile is now real _ yours can be too.

31 days and all is well,
31 days and I havent cut....
Im not going to pretend I didnt want to,

This journal entery is relly mostly to thank everyone whos helped me even though I was a pain to deal with, you stood by me and believed in me even though i gave them many reasons not too. I can never put in words how thankfull I am _ you meen more to me than anything xx

Without you id be the way I was 31 days ago and probubly have alot more scars than i already have.
And no im not ashamed of them - i was- but Im not now because theres no fresh ones beside them_ and i hope every day that there never will be.

To all of you out there who are still cutting _ I believe so strongly that you can get through this, no matter what your going through it will get better_youve probubly heard that a hunderd and two times, but its true.

as they say:

"everything will be ok in the end, If its not ok, its not the end...."

"Life isnt about waiting for the storm to pass, Its about learning to dance in the rain"

no matter how hard depression clings onto you, you will be able to get rid of it _ your stronger than you think...

I hope all of you smiled today :)
May 7th, 2011 at 11:34pm