Her diary part II

As i open the pages, there were memorials of this person remembers, this page is interesting. "As my heart follows my love, i walk, i see, a beautiful life we could have. Get married, have children, in a better home, all of this, will change me from what my past had become". Wow, i was amazed by what this person wrote. But my father knock on the door so i had to hide it in my pillow. If i ever let my dad in, big mistake, he would ask questions and search me room so that's why i always want to answer his questions and tell him "thanks dad now bye" ans slam the door. He gets a little annoying sometimes but he just a father, what can you do? I let my dad in and he just ask me one thing, "what are you doing in your room?" I was surprise he ask me that. It was weird he say that, but i didn't care. I told him just advertising my stuff. He walked out, walked out? I never see him do that before, now it's just getting uncomfortable but anyway, i went back and get the diary so i can hide it where no one can find it. Maybe a chest or probably my backpack.

May 8th, 2011 at 04:21am