Broken Heart

At the beginning of the school year, I met this boy. Lets say his name was....Mike. So we became friend...yada....yada....yada. Then we did stuff together. I started to LIKE him. I then realized I loved him. Little too late I guess.
The next day my class went to the ordway to see "Tu Dance" (it sucked) and Mike say...Izzy, sat together. They got close, talked during the horible show, and sat next to her on the bus ride back to school. Then my classmates started chanting "KISS HER! KISS HER!" to Mike and Izzy. He wouldn't, but he put his arm around her. Mike is officially not-single anymore. I'm not jealous, I just love him. And to see him with Izzy like that, it breaks my heart over and over again. My heart breaks again every time I see them togther.
May 8th, 2011 at 04:48pm