Love? or Hate?

In the early morning when you get up to go to school...or to work.... what things cross through your mind? for most people im sure, its what happened the day before... and then what might happen today.... Now what about when you go to sleep? Do you think of all the things that have happened in the past week... what you enjoyed... and what you want to change... I have those moments for sure.... not a day goes past where im not thinking that deeply... I ask my self a question everynight about the people in my life... Do the Love or Hate me? I wonder if because of that one little thing i did wrong, they'll hate me for the rest of there lifes.... I wonder why do these people love me? why do they care so much? Thoughts pass through my head about how i dont deserve any of it.... and then if i do... then still i ask why? I ask this question over and over agian... why me? why am i the center of the universe? why does everything somehow revolve around me? i know what im saying isnt strictly true... but its the feeling i get... i feel as if somehow every person i know will somehow connect with me... and then... then im part of it... and another ring is added to my expanding galaxy.... I hate this feeling with a passion... if it were a supstantial object id smash it into peices and burn whatevers left.... but its also everything ive ever wanted.... its my life goal... being connected with everyone helps me see from there eyes the world... and then... always once ive seen everything through there eyes... i know how to better myself... how to make that person feel good... how to make a better change...

-Sighs deeply- okay... im done for now.... please comment if you have anything worthwhile to say... i would appreciate it...
May 8th, 2011 at 05:06pm