Exams, Video Of The Week and Questions.

Hi again Mibba.

So today I had my Math and Science exam that's supposed to put you in your group for GCSE's. I guess it went okay. The Science one was harder than the Math, but that's because I was doing the middle paper for math, and the higher one for science. Hopefully I get some good marks, because I don't want to be put in another group that doesn't listen or care about their future.
"Well, I sorta do, guys. So be quiet next year. Please?"


I just went to a random field with my friends. It was really prickly, and we nearly got stuck in a tree. It was still awesome.


Geez, this video/song is amazing.


Hope you had an awesome day.


EDIT: I keep on forgetting to do this.

1. How was your day?
2. What's your music obsession right now?
3. Favourite subjects?
4. Have a good day! :D
May 9th, 2011 at 08:23pm