OH Grr..

Wanna hear something boo worthy... It finally happened. what you might be thinking finally happened. I don't think i can tell but i must. its a horror upon horrors. Huh well here goes my..my.. my usb finally broke and it was all my fault. i nearly came to tears two nights ago. all the stories i was updating or writing are gone its so horrible. You must be like oh suck it up you should have saved copies to your computer. Believe me i know i scolded myself vehemently. I tried to fix it but only proceeded to break it more. *sigh* Then i remembered all the major stories i was writing were already posted to Mibba and i could just look at what i wrote their and go from there. Plus on the upside i already had a new usb 24 mg/gb idk the technical stuff. So from now on i will be saving to my computer and too my usb.
May 9th, 2011 at 10:37pm