Worst Flood Since 100 century mark... Plus Questions.

I’m nervous… hmm actually pretty nervous.

So the city I live in decided it was a good year to meet 100 century flood mark. What does that mean you wonder? Well that means half of the city will be screwed. So a lot of people are helping to sandbag around the flood plain areas, but frankly I don’t think it will be enough… thank goodness I don’t live in a flood plain area.

Something else scary is how the city has declared a “State of emergency” like I’m wondering how much worse this flood will be with the three day rain were supposed to experience…
I feel really bad for the people who will be basically screwed because their houses will be flooded out… but honestly why would you buy a house on a flood plain when you know this happens every year? Granted this is probably the worst flood since 100 years…

The funny thing is a few years ago a box mall was created in an area of town called the “corral center” which is basically right on the edge of the river… it’s also like a sort of bowl so like when the flood comes (which it will) the corral center will fill up. xD I find it funny how Wal-Mart is still open in the midst of this flood… like who in their right mind is going to drive all the way to Wal-Mart and purchase things when a flood is expected in a few days…

Anyways that was my rant/journal thinger… :)

1.)Is your city/town supposed to experience any flooding?
2.)Have you ever lived anywhere where it flooded pretty bad?
3.)How was your day?
May 10th, 2011 at 01:58am