We only live once.

Let's start off by clearing something up; I'm not a silly n00b. Au contraire, my dears, I am well versed in the ways of the Mibba. Well, except for the fact that I still have yet to master the layout skills I formerly possessed. You know, back in the day when my life revolved around the internet. (Not that much has changed, but you get the point.)

Anyway, I've recently found myself with spare time on my hands (who would've thought, right?) and I've decided to pick up writing again.

You can all sleep peacefully once more.

Now that I've gotten that covered, I guess I should go ahead and introduce myself. Sure, tell me to save it for the "about me" section, but I like to shake things up a bit. (Oh, no, look at Sarah, always the rebel.)

My name's Sarah and I'm sixteen. I currently reside in the /GREAT/ state of Arizona (come at me, stalkers) but if you ask, California will always be my home. Saying that I hate where I live would be the understatement of the century. But hey, one more year and I'm off to San Diego State. I try to stay positive, ya know?

I love music, just like all you other diehard fans on here. ("Music is my life", I bleed My Chemical Romance, luv me pls, etc. etc.) (Nothing against MCR here though, I actually was a pretty hxc MCR fan myself back in the day. *~*~GeeWay 4 Lyf~*~*) I can go into this long list of my favourite bands, but I'm actually way too lazy and I doubt any of you care anyway. But if you really want to know, go ahead and ask. For now, I'll leave you with my current top three: We Came As Romans, City & Colour, and Pierce the Veil.

Happy Birthday.

I firmly believe that nothing is awkward unless you make it awkward. I'm dead-honest; I have zero tolerance for bullshit. I consider myself a pretty good judge of character. I am a sarcastic fuck. I curse. A lot. I could care less about what people think of me. I'm nice if you're nice. I like to dance in my underwear. I love Hot Buffalo Wing flavoured pretzel pieces. Food is my weakness. I'm impulsive and tend to speak before I think. I get into trouble. I work hard. I love history and marshmallows. I'm loud. And I talk way too much.

Don't be afraid to ask.

May 10th, 2011 at 04:47am