All Time Low Dirty Work Tour in Seattle on April 18

So this is late, but I thought that I should put this out there, also so I can read this in the future and remember haha :p
I went to their signing at hot topic before the show which was awesome :]
rian greeted me first with a british accent so i said "ello" back to him and alex and they smiled. zack didn't say anything :[ but i asked them how they got into hot topic undetected and jack pointing up at the metal air conditioning pipes and he said "see those pipes up there?" and i said "oooh so you james bonded your way in" and he was like "YES!" hahah it was awesome
then i got early entry through the hustler club so i was third row at the show. i made it through the summer set and hey monday, but during yellowcard i couldn't take it anymore. i felt like i was going to faint and/or throw up so i signaled for the security to get me out of there. since everyone had their arms up because of the show, security didn't get to me in time. as the security guy gripped under my arms i blacked out and literally crowd surfed while unconscious. i woke up as i was being set down on the floor and the security guy led me to the back of the venue outside where the paramedics were. they gave me water as i sat there just getting back to normal. cassadee walked by since we were by the buses and she didn't even bother to ask if we were okay. it just seemed kind of bitchy to me that she didn't even care but whatever. then the paramedics said i should sit inside the doorway so i won't be cold since it was like 45 outside. yellowcard finished their set and the violinist was walking towards me so i said great show and he said "thanks! but are you okay?" he saw me black out!! so embarrassing :/ but at least he cared <3 after that i got escorted back into the crowd but towards the back and i got a bunch of videos of atl's set, including one where jack has a disco party haha <3 oh and vinny isn't a good merch guy. i was one of the first people to buy merch since i got in early and i asked for a small and later realized that he gave me a medium! my shirt is like a dress uhg. regardless, atl was amazing, especially when alex put on a furry animal hat and then saying that he should have checked the inside to see if someone shit in it hahah :]
and for the record, guys who are going to shows that are mainly girl fanbased, don't be a douche bag. all it does it make girls hate you more and ruins everyone's experience around you. elbowing doesn't get you any closer, it just pisses people off. we are all at the show for the same reason, i think, and if you can't grasp that then you shouldn't be there.
May 11th, 2011 at 07:54am