Who I Am.

I'm the kind of girl who thinks she's pretty and ugly at the same time.
I'm the kind of girl who likes boys and girls.
I'm the kind of girl who wants a relationship, but not this generation's kind of relationship.
I'm the kind of girl who hates most of her friends, but loves the ones that everyone hates.
I'm the kind of girl who doesn't like to be betrayed because she doesn't know how to react.
I'm the kind of girl who wants everyone to know her name, but not who she is.
That's the kind of girl I am.

I don't understand why I am the way I am.
I love myself and hate myself at the same time.

I never understand my own logic.
But it all makes sense when no one can hear it.

I'll never understand those social standards that everyone seems to follow.
Maybe because they're all unwritten and unspoken, that makes no sense to me.

I'm the kind of girl who will love someone forever even after they struck her heart dead.
My heart was struck dead, by a girl.

A girl who I loved, who I still love.
But I wish I didn't
I wish I didn't have a heart as big as I do.

So I would be able to hold my grudges..
So I would be able to stop loving someone when they stop loving me.

But this big heart of mine comes in a matching set with that big personality of mine.

I'm just waiting for someone to realize that one day,
I will snap, and you won't like the outcome after you screw me over.

I've already bent, wasn't a pretty sight.
Of course to me, it was beautiful.

But my light will shine one day.

Bu for now, it'll stay dim, reserving energy for the future.
May 12th, 2011 at 02:21am