"I made it, you will too" "There's nothing wrong with running away."

So I pretty much just had the most amazing day of my life. I'll skip to the part you care about. After discovering that a picture of MCR was in my yearbook under "artists of the year," my two best friends and I were checked out of school by my mother. The three of us rode back to my house where we covered the car in window crayoned slogans like "Look alive, sunshine" "killjoys, make some noise" and "Honk if you love My Chemical Romance."
After driving to wendy's for lunch, we were on the road.
Fantasizing about what the band members would do, what songs they would sing and the people we'd meet, the trip to Atlanta commenced. We arrived at the Tabernacle with minor traffic issues, and began our wait at approximately 1:30 pm.
The line was a crazy mix of dyed hair, hand-made clothes and suspicious scowls. Somewhat as I expected. Some time into the wait, we found the tour bus. THE. TOUR. BUS. and (..."calmly") rushed toward it. After a few minutes of waiting with a crowd of about 20 fangirls, a man came out from the Tabernacle and went to the bus.
"Pedicone?" the question circled the group quickly as he reemerged from the bus. No one in the group was sure until a girl nearby found his twitter picture after 10 minutes of anxious and confused whispering. Turns out, it was Pedicone. The drummer of the band we all lived for. Only question? Who would announce our findings? It would be my sister, Kathryn, who shouted the first tentative cry of the drummer's name.
He turned immediately, huge grin in place and the fangirls went crazy. However, shortly after, he returned to the Tabernacle as more killjoys joined the group around the bus, having heard our cries.
Much later on in the afternoon, the line had moved up a bit and cutters were afoot. A sneaky group of boys had moved in front of us. It was nearly 6:00 and we had been there for 5+ hours and there was no way in hell these boys were cutting in line. After a short episode of insults, battles of logic and apologies, the problem was resolved and the boys returned to their place. Not much time left before the show.
Doors opened around 6:45 and the line moved quickly. The full weight of what I was about to do finally hit me and I nearly started to sob before we even got in.
The tabernacle was huge but small. We moved quickly to the front of the floor, flipping out hysterically at how close we were to the stage.
The first opening act, The Architects, was AMAZING and I would definitely see a show of just them. It was exactly everything Frank Iero had been hyping up on Twitter recently. The second opener wasnt as good, or rather, not my type of music really.
Finally, after an eternity of waiting, MCR took the stage. I stood there, awestruck as my heroes appeared before my eyes. They were real. And they were actually right there. The screaming, sweaty crowd didn't seem to phase me as it swirled around, moving like a current. There wasn't a moment when I wasn't squared in completely by fellow killjoys.
The one thing I will never forget was making eye contact with Gerard. It was fanastic and wonderful and fairytale cliche. Time literally seemed to freeze as he looked at me. In that moment, I realized.... I was going to make it. Every fear, all the pain, the worry, the everything was gone. And I knew that I would be okay. I could live and I would, no matter what happened.
Is that crazy? I dont really care, because for that one minute, I had the attention of my idol. He noticed me, if only for a second, I mattered to him.
The overall concert was amazing, screaming the lyrics of my favorite songs along with my biggest family.
The first MCR song I ever heard was "Vampires Will Never Hurt You." Hearing it tonight was surreal. It was like going back to the beginning.
"Welcome To The Black Parade" was an emotional experience unique to the people who truly understand MCR. An arena of people screaming "We'll carry on!" is enough to help anyone through any sort of tough time.
Another amazingly memorable moment was in the very beginning. I wasn't really enjoying myself, being shoved around and unable to breath. I watched the stage with a frown on my face...until Mikey glanced up in my direction for a moment and I couldn't help but burst into a grin. He must have seen because the hint of a smile flashed across his lips as well. Gerard told us all that there is nothing wrong with running away from everything and advised us to KEEP RUNNING.
The concert ended with an earth-shattering bang! The perfect finale to a perfect day. I thought it couldn't get better. Until I got one of Mikey Way's guitar picks. I know I'll cherish it for the rest of my life and I know that because of tonight, I /can/ live and I will. Gerard did it, why can't I?
May 12th, 2011 at 08:02am