Romeo & Juliet? please, i would never die to be with you.

-My knees are giving out. My eyes are clouded with tears. My mind's about to blow, and my lip is starting to quiver.
-& why? Why am i edging towards this state? This angry, depressed, confused, forgotten state? Why, it's you. As always, it's you.
-I dont think you understand, nor can comprehend how it feels to be so unneeded. So, lost. So, unapprechiated. Only wanted for what one does, not who one is.
-I pray you're the only one i come across who treats me this way, because if another person who i truly care about does, im not so sure how i will handle it.
-Ive cried over you more than anyone, but if we're being honest ? You havent deserve a single tear.
-You will never change, no matter how much you tell me you have. You wont, but i still pray that you will.
-I had more respect for you when you lied, and thats the sad thing. I had more gratitude for you when you lied right to my face, than when you were forced to tell the truth.
-It may shock you just how much i was forced to change. You may be unaware of all the damage you've caused. I live with the damage everyday, every message you send, every time i see your face. I live with my closed off self, who gets so upset and hurt over nothing. Something that should mean nothing anyway.
-You build me up just to see me crumble and you play it off as though you meant no harm, but just know that you did hurt me, though i know you dont care.
-Just know that i wish to have those people back again, but also that i know they wont return. Just know that i miss those days and the innocence, though i cant go back. Just know the words, " i love you and always will," are worn thin and forever ended about a year ago. Just know that i miss who you were, love who once was, and hate who you've become. </3
May 12th, 2011 at 09:33pm