A Hymn to the Unheard. (A bit of a rant...)

This journal is me, an insignificant dot on this planet, trying to reach out to as many of you as I can. Before I get in to it, let me tell you why.

I've met a lot of people in my short life, and what's struck me is that so many of them don't think they're good enough. They think they're too fat, too ugly, too serious, too sad.
It's occurred to me that a lot of people feel like this, too. Not just people I know, but people everywhere.

I live in a world where people feel worthless and ugly all the time.
I live in a world where suicide is one of the leading causes in teenage deaths.

I live in a world where self-harm is desensitized so much that my peers just don't seem to care.

In a world where nobody cares, the only way I know how to cope is by expression. So I'm going to express my feelings to all of you- whether you listen or not is your option. You could completely disagree with everything I'm saying. But if this can touch one person, I'll be happy.

I think that everyone is good enough. I think that everyone is worth something and that there is at least one beautiful thing in every person. If you think there is nothing beautiful about you, then I'd like to hear your story. Obviously, I'm going to fight you if you think you're ugly, so be prepared for a debate. :)

I believe that what people look like shouldn't matter. This might be a bit naive and silly, and I know most judgements are made by appearance, but that's what I believe.
Again, you can try and prove me wrong, but be prepared to fight your case.

Religion, to me, shouldn't mean that you are pressured to pretend to be something you're not. If your church tells you that you can't be gay, they're limiting your expression as a human being. You are allowed to be a homosexual and be open about it. You are allowed to like boys and girls and anything in between. Anyone who tells you that you can't is abusing your right of freedom. (Someone is bound to eat my head off for that one.)

I believe that all of you have a voice and that you all need to be heard. If people hurt you because you speak your mind, then tell them to fuck off. They can take your lunch money, but they can't take your opinion no matter how hard they try.

Finally, before this becomes too long, I believe that death is not an option. If you feel so hopeless that you can't go on, then you need to know that there is always someone there for you.
Whether it's your role model (regardless of whether or not they know you exist), a friend (even if you think they hate you) or anything else.

If hope and love are elusive then chase them. Because you'll always have something to live for.

(I live for music.)

I'd love to hear about anyone who's reading this. I don't judge, but I am prone to arguing. :)

Please never give up. I'm here for anyone who wants to talk,
Peace out.
May 13th, 2011 at 09:21am