Thoughts of the day

? I've been thinking a lot today, because that's what you do when you have nothing to do, and I began to think how all my friends are, and I began to wonder if any of my friends are normal: they're not. Then I realized there are no normal people in this world, just normal things and patterns.
?And at my grandmother's my cousin acted like a typical teenage mail, in his own hilarious way, being a total jock, completely gross with a big welt on his ankle, eating all the food, it was pretty hysterical.
?Then I was also thinking about my family as I watched my brother and sister sit around and play their video games, together on like wifi, and the thought that I'm leaving popped in my mind, and I know I'm going to miss this. Just hanging out with my siblings, I'm so attached to them, I can't really imagine life without them. To only see them every now and then, it doesn't exactly sit too right with me. I'm going off to college, and then what? I strike out on my own wherever, spend my entire life making money so I can live, raising my own family, then I see how my mother loves us all so much and spends all her time with us and doing things, and I feel like I'm losing my connection with my siblings.
?On the way to my grandmother's there was a truck stopped in the left turning lane with a man not moving inside, not concious, with people just passing him by. How, as a human being, can you do that? Turn your eyes from something like that, like its not there if you don't see it, that somebody else is going to do something about it? You can't run away from it, it's going to be there, always. Be human, show compassion, do something! Don't try to pass it by, life is going to be dark and grim sometimes, and though your first instinct might be to avoid it, at one point it was to face it head on.
?Side note: a shout out and big smile to those scouts who helped last year with the troop that lost all of its gear on the highway. You did the right thing in helping them out. I'm glad to know you.
?Don't give up, anything and everything can get better.
?Smiling is how I cope.
?You can't be sad and angry forever, mainly because I won't let you.
?We all have decisions and choices to make, it's just that our answers are already known.
?This is all random, I apologize if you feel as if your time was wasted in reading all of this, why don't you go make a sandwich and tell it to someone who cares; you chose to read the entire thing.
May 14th, 2011 at 04:40am