This One Shall Have Effort

For those of you who enjoy ACTUAL effort in a journal, then this is your dream journal! And it only costs a one-time payment of $9.95!


Alright, I will be serious now...with the occasional cracking of a joke. :]

The last two days in our school have been very devastating indeed.

A lockdown yesterday - and today - occurred because of some person in Illinois who sent texts to the wrong kids. The messages, meant for teenagers in another school, were sent to high school students in my school. They consisted of threats saying such things as that they were going to come an kill/rape us all. Maybe just rumor of this, but that is what I heard. Not sure. Something about messages over Facebook too. Amazing. The two lockdowns were still creepy. Good thing? They caught the guy. Yay! Now we may all survive with thoughts of creepy text messages and murderers. Fun.

As an added bonus to this, my absolute FAVORITE teacher is leaving because of stupid budget cuts. Technically, he is only laid off. But the chance of him coming back is very slim. My plan? Write him a LONG letter expressing how endearing her is to me. Not in a creepy way. More of an uncle-niece way. I just hope he doesn't find the letter to be boring and stretched. 'Cause it's going to be long. Trust me.

My love interest (AKA crush) is up north currently, doing some sort of track thing with his parents. If only you guys could see him. He makes Alex Evans a 9.1 on the scale of hotness. My crush's position? Sixteen million. Simply because I love the number sixteen and million is a big number. Beat that!

*little sister walks in and reads last paragraph*

Sister: Alex Evans is 99 BILLION then.

Well, little sister - WHO ASKED YOU?!?! *cough* Okay, maybe Alex Evans is hotter than my crush. BUT my crush is very cute. [:


My niece is getting cuter, smarter, and larger each day. In three days, she shall be three months old. Ah, what great fun. Her favorite things? I shall list them! Watch:

Puking on Aunt Noelle (*cough* Me), listening to 'Rhythm of Love' by the Plain White T's, puking on Aunt Noelle, pooping, puking on Aunt Noelle, eating, puking on Aunt Noelle, sleeping, puking on Aunt Noelle, smiling, puking on Aunt Noelle, watching bright colors on the TV, puking on Aunt Noelle...

Yup, that's about it.

For those of you who have decided this was your dream journal:

Ya owe me $9.95. ;)
May 14th, 2011 at 05:07am