" & if you're curious, my favorite color's blue..."

Who are you?

and by that, i don't mean; a prep, a jock, a nerd, or a band geek.
Those labels don't mean a thing, they don't define who one is. So when i ask, i mean who are you?

Yourself, your hopes, your dreams, your life, and your family? I don't think we ask ourselves who we are too often and i dont believe many take the time to find out who another is or explore their world. and i think that is a problem.

I think that the cheerleader should be able to return the greet of a smile to the shy girl passing her in the hall, rather than ignore her rolling eyes.
I think that the star quarterback should be able to give the snare drum player a high-five rather than snicker to his buddy about how ridiculous he looks in his marching uniform.
And the quiet artist should be able to ask in confidence about a question on her math test from the straight A student, instead of recieving a "duhh" kind of look.

I'm not naive, i know this is close to impossible, for it is the way most of the human race works. We are constantly being judged from the moment our light makes its way to another's eyes.
From the clothes we choose, to the color painted on our skin. From the way we act to the grades we recieve. From the place where we grew up to the type of music we listen to. These things are what we like, not our definitions, and some we can't even control.

I think that if everyone saw eachother for their strengths and talents, and surpass their flaws, we could accomplish and be more.

I cant express how tired i am of people trying to be someone their not just to fit in, or stand out.

You have those who act as though they dont give a damn to prove they cant be hurt. Those who act dumb just for the turns of peoples heads and laughs. And some use profanity 10 times in one sentence to display the bad kid profile.
-- and you know? I dont get it. i really do not.

Why would anyone want to be someone besides themselves? They have something special to offer the world, but it seems they are too scared to be anyone who wasnt already created for them. I just dont understand it.

I understand that everyone goes through a bit of identity crisis. At some point everyone looses themselves (been there done that myself) but at some point, you have to be able to find yourself and return to who you actually want to be.

So, i ask you once again. . .

What are you good at? What do you want more than anything? What are your dreams, hopes, and desires?

Who are you?

*** I found this title fitting because, to me, it's kind of like, " in case you cared the slightest bit, heres somethin you didnt know about me, did you even care to know? " Its a line from a Secondhand Serenade song.***
May 15th, 2011 at 11:04pm