Feeling Conflicted...

Well long story short, I fell in love with someone and we were together for eight months. Then one day out of the blue he calls to tell me ' I don't love you anymore'. He just said it flat out. It hurt so bad, it's been about nine months since our breakup, and guess I'm over it. He called me three months ago...to tell me that he didn't mean it. That he loved me. And that he wanted me to go over to his house. I was so happy. He said he'd call me back...it's been three months...and I'm still waiting for that call.

I think I have my hopes set too high. I think he likes to play with my mind. I've tried calling him, but he's always 'busy'. It's funny how he was never 'busy' when we were on the phone. He told me that every day he never did anything, now all of a sudden he has a social life. I think I should let go, and forget about him. But a part of me says that I should stay. I don't know what to do.

I hate feeling so weak. So depressed. I need help.
May 16th, 2011 at 03:16am