Sick D:

It has been exactly four days since I've been sick. My throat swelled up so bad that I couldn't talk until today. I actually missed my voice. Now I sound like salad fingers from the soreness so I still rather not talk. I have been slack on updating all my stuff but then again I've been in bed sleeping mostly. I'm scared I won't pass school though. Not because I'm failing but because of the days Ive missed. I dont know how I will catch up when there is like only two weeks of school left! I'm scared I will have to go to summer school and cancel my Europe Trip. Also, I kind of like this guy. He said he liked me too, but lately when we text he seems a bit distant from me. Like he doesn't want to talk to me and he will ignore me for a long period of time. I feel like I'm annoying him which sucks. Oh well, its 8pm here and I'm already getting ready for bed! I am so tired~

Hopefully I will feel mucho better tomorrow!
May 17th, 2011 at 01:58am