The show tonight!

Okay, so I am looking at the t.v., and wondering is anybody else watching t.v. tonight? I am and its the usual Monday night television shows.

As of right now I've seen parts of or all of:
1-The Secret Life of an American Teenager
2-Make It or Brake It
3-The Hard Times of RJ Beger

Did anyone else see any of them. Because I missed parts of One and Two.

Has anyone seen the commercials for 16 & Pregnant? can't wait to see it.

Anyone wat to share what happened or any shows the have watched or will be watching tonight?

Anybody bored?

Ha just saw a commercial for the 2011 Movie Awards. It looks like it will be pretty good this year.

And I just thought of this but has anyone been watching ABDC[America's Best Dance Crew]?
May 17th, 2011 at 04:13am