The Coreys

Have you ever seen or heard of two teen idols with the same first name “Corey” in the movies? I have. Their names are Corey Scott Feldman and Corey Ian Haim. For the most part, they're pretty cool!

Corey Feldman, best known as "the Felddog", was seen as the rebel outsider. Corey Haim, "the Haimster", was the kind and gentle teen.

In "The Lost Boys", they portray Sam Emerson and Edgar Frog in the fictional small town of Santa Carla. Showing they saved Santa Carla from four teenage vampires made moviegoers realize that the Coreys had chemistry.

In "License to Drive", the Coreys bring back memories of what it was like to be sixteen and getting your driver’s license.

"It was really, really hilarious."

"It reminded me a lot of me."

"I borrowed my father's car once."

(Les Anderson's father in the movie) "What?!"

"Just kidding, Dad."

"I've had some pretty wild nights, but nothing like this."

In Dream a Little Dream, the Coreys explore what it's like to be in love, and Jason Robards’ character Coleman Ettinger learns what it’s like to be a teenager again. May the Coreys live on in teenage dreams forever!

Update: I have learned that Corey Haim has, as of March 10, 2010, gone the way of all the earth. He will be missed dearly.

Rest in piece, Corey Ian Haim (December 23, 1971 — March 10, 2010).
May 17th, 2011 at 10:18pm