Waking Up?

First journal entry, kind of a big deal... Already started off a little shaky. Begin! Start! Go, now!

So this topic randomly popped into my head just now. I did just get up, however, so it's not that random.

Everytime I've woken up this summer (going on the 7th day now) my cats are the culprits. It's fine and dandy if my cats are going to wake me up once... But when they wake me up constantly, it's nuts!

My life at night revolves around my cats honestly. I usually let all three outside to do their business, whatever, nightclubs or hanging with their significant others, I don't care. But! I do care that before I go upstairs to read the Hunger Games and then sleep (12am), I have to let them in.

Most of the time they are right at the door, other times I have to call for them in the midst of darkness. They always come back luckily, and then they come up to lay on me and sleep. Fine and dandy, cute even.

Then comes morning, the naughty pair usually wake me up by scratching things, like my clothes basket. Annoying! So I make that hissing sound to get them away and they continue, so I get up and put them outside my room. Then I realize it's 10am, time to get up.

I brush my teeth, hop into the shower, and wash my lucious locks of hair. I get out, get dressed, but now my eyes feel all weird. Granted I sleep in my contacts and all that jazz, but the contacts are sleep-enabled. So it just creeps me out, I have to like open my eyes real big and then scratch my eyelids. It's quite strange.

Anyways, I think I've completed my first journal entry, until the next time, Ciao!
May 18th, 2011 at 05:29pm