Lady Gaga

Why do I love her so much?

I don't even remember the first time I heard her on the radio; but it's something you don't easily forget. It was definetly 'Just Dance'. It's such a fun song. I mean I am not the biggest music fan in the world. I don't understand all the subtle nuances. I like what I like.

And for something to be fun to me, it has to be catchy. It obviously doesn't have the deepest lyrics. I can dance silly to this artist. And I don't even dance. Like at all.

Then came 'Poker Face' another timeless song, 3 years later I can still rock out to it. Then 'Bad Romance', so amazing. 'Born This Way', 'Judas' = LOVE

My love for her is not just because of the music, but because of her as a person. She is an activist, and fights against bullying, she is behind the gay/lesbian/bi/transgendered culture. She fights for equality for those who can't speak up and be heard.

So often you see artists who don't do anything with their 'celebrity', they just accept the checks written out to them and go on eternal vacation.

Gaga's style is openly debated, but honestly, it's entertaining. If she wore a simple outfit, she'd be just like every other pop singer. And there are a lot of them! Everytime I see one of her insane costumes, I smile. Isn't music all about expressing yourself anyways? Who are you to tell someone what is right and what shouldn't be said/done.

I can't wait for May 23rd, her new album 'Born This Way' comes out!!

Anyways!!! Hope you enjoyed my rant I suppose :)
May 19th, 2011 at 12:25am