May 19th,2011

To All Who Dare Read,

I'd like to believe I'm your average 15-year-old, teenage girl, but then I'd be lying to myself. I'd like to believe I'm different. Wouldn't we all?

Writing has been my solitude for years. It has been my escape from reality and from everything I don't want to face, but do you want to know what I think? It's time I face my demons.

There is a side of me I do not know and that scares me the most of all. We are scared of things we do not know, things we do not understand. People fear change. I say "bring it on."

My fear is too much change. If I, as myself, become something I am not.... How will I know? Will I recognize that I changed or will someone point it out for me? I'd like to think the past three years have been eye-opening for me.

When I think back I see a girl trying to fit in. I wanted to be like the girls everyone talked about. I wanted to be feared, but I wanted to be loved. I did not know:

*When you are feared... You are not loved.*

When I look back I see an arrogant girl. I do not see who I am today.

Perhaps it is time I take a look at myself. Pointing fingers is a game I do not wish to play.

B. Alexandria
May 20th, 2011 at 02:15am