Dearest Best friend,

Dear Austin,
I hope you know what you're doing. Dating her. What if you guys break up? Your friendship will never be the same. But this letter is not about your relationship life. That's your decision. I'm just worried about a lot of things. Mostly you. Derek's in jail. You guys are really close. What if he's found guilty? What if he can't get out? What are you going to do then? And what about me. Derek and I have been through a lot together. We dated but even after we broke up we were still really close. He made everything better... But what if Brad and I don't work out. What if something goes wrong and Derek's still in jail? Who's going to make it better then? You're not all that reliable... It's like I'm being replaced. I've been there for you for everything. And now she comes in the picture and it's all about her. I get that you like her. But you're my best friend and I need you. But you're never here anymore. WHY!?!? That's all I want from you. Be here for me. Help me through. I guess people drift apart because if we didn't have any classes with each other we probably wouldn't even talk anymore... I don't want that to become the issue. I love you best friend. You know that. I always will. Even if we stop being best friends because in reality, you'll always be my best friend. </3
May 20th, 2011 at 03:30am