Well... this sucks.

So I'm home alone for the next few days with a fever of 101.6, meaning I'll be doing exactly what I've been trying not to do since the break up: spending time alone in bed.

This also blows because my sister is graduating from grad school this weekend, meaning I have to miss her hooding and her graduation.

However, I have been very good. I blocked Antonio from my News Feed, and I haven't cracked and looked at his profile once in the last 24 hours. But I'm so pathetic that I very nearly bought one of those online books that promises to help you get your ex back. But I didn't. Yet.

I would also like to know why it is SO FREAKING HOT in this house. I swear I'm giving off enough heat to roast marshmallows and make s'mores. Of course, just 15 minutes ago, I was huddled under two blankets convinced I had just been transported to the Arctic. Oh, influenza.

I just hope I get better before I go back to work on Tuesday!
May 20th, 2011 at 05:16am