
Boyfriends. Music. Love. Laughter. Nights. Long walks. Friends. Books. Eyeliner.....they're all apart of my life. I feel as though they aren't enough. Don't get me wrong. I love my life. I adore my life. I wouldn't give it up for anything in the world. My amazing boyfriend, the music that makes me, my love of life, my laughter with friends, looking up at the stars, the long walks by myself, the books I love to read, and, more often that not, can't put down....but I feel as though I should have accomplished more before I turned sixteen. What? I do not know...but in less that a month my sixteenth birthday will arrive, and I feel as though I have accomplished nothing in my short sixteen though what I have accomplished hasn't meant all that much. I mean, really. What do I have to show for my sixteen years? I'm a sophmore, Woohoo. I've won a few boxing trophies, but that only causes other people pain. I've raised a beautiful five year old little brother, but that's only because our mom waas to drunk to do that herself. Wait. I know. I have done something to be proud of. I didn't become my mother. At my age, my mom was a prostitute, and a drunk, and pregnant. I am completely different. I am disiplined, I have an amazing boyfriend, who DOESN'T just want me for my body, I'm a virgin, and plan on staying that way until I am married, I make great grades, and I am straight-edge...I guess I HAVE done something in these sixteen years to be proud of. I established Me, and stayed that way.
May 20th, 2011 at 03:38pm